Zia ul Quran Funeral Services
Serving the Muslim community in their time of need
24 Hour No. 0754 025 0991 Tel: 0777 239 5416

216 St Saviours Road
Alum Rock, Birmingham B8 1ER
Tel: 0754 025 0991
Tel: 0777 239 5416
(24 Hour Emergency Numbers)
'On hand to undertake all your funeral needs & will be there to guide you through the day
Welcome to the Zia-Ul-Quran Funeral Services website. We have over 30 years experience in offering Islamic Funeral services to the Birmingham community. Located in Alum Rock (East Birmingham) we pride ourselves in providing professional and fully comprehensive service to families in their real time of need. The full funeral arrangements are undertaken to the family’s requirements, with our team always on hand throughout the funeral to offer advice and guide you through the day.
Funeral prayer (Janāzah) can be held at any mosque and can be arranged via the Funeral Office. We conduct all neccesary preparation for funerals/burials and have purpose built facilities for ghusl of the deceased and for storage.
We welcome any questions and are on hand to respond and help guide you the best we can.

Funeral Vehicles
We have a number of Funeral vehicles, including Private Ambulances and Hearses
to cater for all your funeral needs.
Our vehicle fleet can provide a 24 hour service from any location in the West Midlands. Please do enquire if you need transportation in other parts of the UK.

30 Years of Helping Our Community
In Zia Ul Quran Masjid we have been serving the Birmingham Muslim community for over 30 years and have forged excellent relationships with local Doctors, Hospitals, Cemetries and the Birmingham Coroner's Office.
Our aim is to use our experience and knowledge to always provide a seamless service to bereaved families.

Khatams, Kuls & Fatiah-Khawani
We have excellent facilities in Zia ul Quran Masjid for Khatams; Kuls & Fatiah-Khawani for the deceased.
(No charge is made for this, however donations to the masjid are welcome)


Local Burial Service
Includes collecting the deceased from the home or hospital; provision of the coffin/kafan; transportation to the cemetery; Ghusl/wash facilities; our administration and professional services.
Repatriation Service
Our repatriation service includes collecting the deceased from the hospital or home, embalming for overseas transportation; provision of a zinc-lined coffin, Ghusl/wash facilities, Funeral administration and professional services.
Flowers & Tributes
Floral tributes can be arranged to your personal requirements. Please
contact us with your request.
Food / catering can be arranged to your personal requirements. Please
contact us with your request.
Kaffan / Ghusl Packs
We provide Gusl Packs which contain all the items you require for undertaking Ghusl. Packs cost £45.00